Exterior Wayfinding Signage

Clear and concise information for visitors on your campus is important.

Getting guests from point A to point B and back again is crucial, not only for a successful experience for the user, but for the likability of your brand. People will remember being stressed or frustrated when they are lost and vulnerable, nobody wants that!

Luckily, our team of Environmental Graphic Designers are pros at Wayfinding.

We’ve been helping clients ensure their visitors get where they need to go for years.

Here’s our 3 Step Process:

  1. Conversation - Coffee? Lunch? Office? Let’s chat about goals, challenges, and future expansion. Find Your Expert here.
  2. Site Assessment - Let’s tour your facility (interior and exterior) to better understand the challenges and opportunities and see what it will take to achieve the goals of the facility.
  3. Wayfinding Plan - Using intel gathered during the assessment phase, taking ADA into account throughout, we evaluate site lines, frequently asked questions, current issues, traffic patterns, etc.
    Detailed plans with locations, sign types, and designs are deliverables during this phase. And your plan is ready for production and installation.

Have Questions? Contact Us anytime!

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